Choose What You Pay
We designed the Open Press Project to make printmaking as accessible as we possibly can to give access to these beautiful techniques. It was quite obvious to us that this would affect the pricing of our presses as well.
So here’s our idea:
You’ll get three options and can freely choose what you want to pay for your press.
Own Cost
Our vision is to make printmaking more accessible. If you can't afford another option, we offer our press at cost price: Use discount code "OWNCOST" at checkout. If you want to support us nevertheless, spread the word about the Open Press Project to support us!
Standart Price
By choosing this price you join us in our vision to make printmaking more accessible and give us the chance to save money for crisis and pay ourselves a minimal salary. With your contribution we'd be able to keep the Open Press Project alive.
Future Projects Price
By choosing this price you would not only guarantee the ongoing of the Open Press Project, but you would also give us the possibility to let it grow, implement new ideas and work on new designs for ongoing open-source innovation!
Open Source
If buying a press is not an option for you at the moment you can check out the original open source version of this press here. The plans are available to download for free and if you have access to a 3D printer you can print one for yourself, you only need to get the screws.
Cost Distribution

Fair Price Guarantee
Independent of what price you choose you will not pay too much. With “Fair Price Guarantee” we ensure you that if we make more money than expected e.g. by selling more presses than expected we will never pay us more than the average salary and will donate everything above to charity.
Any questions? Feel free to write us an email!