The 3D-printed printing press. Designed to make printmaking accessible.

Tiny, 3D-printed & affordable
Use printmaking for your art whenever and wherever you want. The Open Press fits into your backpack and gives you the ability to print outside, on vacation or in your living room!
Print all sorts of things.
The possibilities are endless. You can use your press to print small greeting cards, business cards, tiny artworks or large pieces consisting of lots of tiny prints. Printmaking is now as accessible as drawing!

Make etching & co accessible.
We noticed that regular printing presses are expensive, heavy and difficult to find. That's why lots of people don't have access to printmaking. Let's change that!

With open source in mind.
We are on a mission to make printmaking accessible to everyone. That's why we are giving away the plans for a 3D-printed press for free!
Access to a 3D-printer? Print your own tiny etching press!
No 3D-printer? That's okay, we can print you a press!
Ready for new orders!
It took us a while, but you can order presses right now!
And because our vision of making printmaking more accessible doesn't stop when it comes to pricing, we came up with an interesting pricing idea:
You can choose what you pay!

Also, you can join the community!
Thousands have already 3D-printed themselves their own press! Check out what printmakers all over the world can do with them.
Stainless steel roller for perfect prints
The press we can manufacture for you comes with a stainless steel roller, so that you'll get perfectly even pressure for your prints and have a durable and long-lasting press.

Wing bolts to adjust pressure
These bolts will make it super easy for you to adjust the height of the upper roller, increase or decrease pressure and print plates that are up to 2,5cm high!
Woven wool blanket
We use the highest quality felt for our presses. Woven wool blankets are extremely durable and will enable you to print the finest of details.

'Martin’s brilliant project first came on our radar in the early days of Pressing Matters magazine, which led to an article and then a firm friendship. I’ve made a point of involving him and his brilliant Open Press Project in the print fairs we attend - his mission to ‘make printmaking accessible to everyone’ is infectious and his little presses never fail to draw a crowd. There is this very special moment when someone uses it and really its NOT a toy and its small size packs a mighty printing punch. (A bit like the man himself!)'
– John Coe, Pressing Matters magazine

Blog Posts

How to 3D Print Your Own Printing Press

Open Press Collection

Open Press Map - Mark Your Presses!

The printmaking community made it happen.
What started as part of an exam at our university has evolved into a company. A Kickstarter campaign in 2019 gave us the chance to found a company and be able to manufacture presses for thousands of people. We are not only printing printing presses, but organise events, exhibitions, give talks and introduce new people to printmaking!